Well here in Sydney we have been in lockdown for 16 weeks now! All of the June-July school holidays were in lockdown, all of Term 3 was in lockdown, and now we are almost finished the September school holidays and we are still in lockdown and are facing at least another few weeks of at-home-learning at the beginning of Term 4! It is never-ending and my mum keeps saying it is "Groundhog Day" - which I think refers to some 20th Century movie she watched in the olden days!
Needless-to-say there have been a lot of things cancelled, postponed, or turned into virtual events. This included Book Week this year. Now this sounds terrible I know, but I had already prepared myself for not participating in the Book Week Parade this year given that I am now in High School. But the silver lining of lockdown, was that our amazing School Librarians extended the Virtual Book Week costume parade to those of us in high school this year! So yay! I got to dress up after all!
So whilst my brother and sister had been planning their costumes for weeks (if not months) I had only 1 week to come up with my costume! I chose to go as Sandor from Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger. Sandor is a goblin who is Sophie's bodyguard. He loves to swing around swords and so do I. My Mum was awesome and created this entire outfit in just a few days! Including my paper machè skull cap.

My brother chose to go as Hearthstone from Magnus Chase by Rick Riordan, Hearthstone is a light elf who is deaf and uses magic runes. Hearthstone was my brothers favourite character in the Magnus Chase book series and he even made the magic runes himself out of airdry clay.

And finally, my little sister chose to go as Tsunami as Seawing dragon from the Wings of Fire books. Kyah and my mum made the entire costume themselves using foam and clay for the tails, spikes and horns and made the leggings, top and wings as well. It was a great lockdown activity for them and Kyah looked pretty epic.

We also still had some other awesome book week events, all be it via zoom, including Simultaneous Storytime, and author talks by Tristan Bancks, author of Two Wolves, The Fall and Ginger Megs, and Matt Stanton, author of Funny Kid and Happy Farters Day. So all in all Book Week 2021 was pretty awesome.
Stay tuned
#bookweek2021 #bookweekparade #sandorkeeperofthelostcities #goblin #hearthstonemagnuschase #lightelf #tsunamiwingsoffire #dragon