Hi guys. I thought I should let you know that I have started a street library at Meehan Rd. I built it using a kit from streetlibrary.org.au and boy was it challenging. We had to hammer it together, build a door, paint, gloss and put up. I reckon it took us 2 weeks to build it. It was very hard but once I put it up I felt a massive sense of pride.
It was amazing doing this with my parents, and we all enjoyed it. I had a lot of help yet we still struggled. If you want to build your own go to https://streetlibrary.org.au/p/street-library-presentation/ and get the kit and the post to make it happen.

If you are in need of a new book to read at the moment, and you are local to the Northern Beaches, stop by and borrow yourself a book for a couple of weeks.
Stay Tuned