Summer reading list
This is my summer reading list. It will help for quick and easy choices for book selections. I do recommend either using my own website or another to check the age rating. Most of them are for 10-12 year olds but a couple are probably younger age ratings. I suggest looking at commonsense media.
This summer I had a lot of opportunities to read because we had a couple of family road trips. One at Tasmania and one in the Southern Highlands and I read in the car a lot!! In fact, a few times on our trip around Tasmania, my parents banned me from reading so that I could take in the amazing scenery we were driving through.
I also had my birthday and obviously Christmas these holidays and I received a lot of books for both! Yay! Needless to say I have read quite a lot these summer holidays.
So with no further ado - My top picks from my summer of reading:
Agatha Christie: Murder at the Vicarage
The Unlisted: 2 and 3
Kenzie and Max: 2 to 4
The secret life of wombats
Maximum Ride: Schools out forever
Land of Stories: A Grimm warning
Wings of Fire
Clockwork Angel
City of Lost Souls
I will keep adding to this list over time.