This blog is a bit late but I want to tell you about The Sydney Writers Festival that my brother and sister went to in May. Over to you Kyah!

Thanks Noah, so this year in May I went to The Sydney Writers Festival with our school. The host was Mick Elliott, author of The Turners - a book which my brother has read and loved and even dressed up as on of the character from The Turners for Book Week one year. Mick Elliott was really funny and came in and out of all the other author's speeches during the day.

Nat Amoore was also there. She performed all the movies that have inspired her writing career in 10 minutes, told us that Debra and all the other adults are boring, every party needs lolly bags, and that baby jail* was a thing when she was a kid (*baby jail is a fenced area to put your kid in). She also gave us VERY important life advice, "If you are ever in a cow poo fight keep your mouth SHUT."

Remy Lai was another author that we saw. Remy writes Pie in the Sky, Fly on the Wall and Pawcasso amongst other books. Remy is an author/illustrator and showed us how to make emotions on a character different from one another. Also, we challenged her with an emotion and an animal and she had to put them together and draw the character.

Other authors who we saw included Corey Tutt and Matt Stanton. Both were very humorous when though they write about very different things. Overall the Sydney Writer's Festival 2022 was awesome and my favourite author of the day was Nat Amoore.
I hope I get to go again next year!
#sydneywritersfestival #mickelliott #natamoore #remylai #coreytutt #mattstanton #bookersbooks #authors #2022sydneywritersfestival